The Anglican Fellowship
in Scouting and Guiding
We are currently reviewing our resources and will soon publish a list. In the meantime do contact us with any requests.
Below is an example which may be downloaded.
Five Finger Prayer Aid
A Story for Christmas
The Donkey’s Tail Tale
Grumpy? You’re calling me grumpy? Well, I suppose I am. but you would be, too, if you’d had to put up with what I have.
I’m a simple donkey My master is a chap called Joseph who lives in Nazareth. At first, life wasn’t too bad. Joseph is a carpenter, and sometimes I had to carry what he’d made to his clients. But I got plenty of hay to eat, even in winter; and a nice quiet stable to sleep in.
Then he got himself engaged, and everything went downhill quickly. The girl he promised to marry was called Mary. She was found to be expecting a baby, and Joseph said he wasn’t the Dad. There was some talk about the Dad being the Holy Spirit. Pull the other one! How can a spirit be a Dad? Anyway, Joseph made it up with Mary.
Then he had to travel to a town called Bethlehem. Some high up called Caesar Augustus - now there’s a name. Sounds like a salad invented in a month; I’ll never understand these humans. Anyway, this Caesar Augustus called for a census, whatever that is, and said every man had to go, with his family, to the place where he was born to be
So Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem as that’s where he was born. He took Mary with him. Just because she’s expecting I have had to carry her all the way. Carry her? I’m also carrying her child as it’s not been born yet. I’m only built to carry one; not two!! And what a journey; It is 70 miles “as the crow flies”. I’m no crow, and I can’t fly. It was much nearer 100 miles; took four days, and the places we stopped at were dreadful. And the weather. It was cool during the day (quite pleasant), but so cold at night. And the amount of rain we had! I was looking forward to a quiet relaxing break in Bethlehem. Did I get it? Did I heck!! The humans took over the stable and to cap it all, Mary’s baby was born. He was plonked in my manger, so I had to look all over for some hay. And I had to share with oxen and other cattle. Noisy beasts. There was a song going around:
The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes,
But little Lord Jesus no crying he makes.
“Cattle lowing?” More like bellowing. And Jesus (that’s what they called the baby) “ no crying he makes”; he didn’t stop to cry - screamed and screamed and screamed. Then a crowd of sheep were brought in by noisy shepherds. No peace at all! and the wretched sheep nicked my hay. To add to the problems, there was a great big light up in the sky. People said it was a new star. no star in my book, but try as I might, I couldn’t blow the horrible thing out. So, hungry, cold and sleepless. Are you surprised I’m grumpy.